Know where to make money

There are tons of little ways to make little bits of money. You don't get sucked into this. Introducing money impacts the relationship and people start to feel entitled to more of you and your time. You determine what it is you make your money doing and you make money doing that, and then the rest of your activities you do for free or do not do at all.


  • You run a tech blog and have the option to add ads for small extra income. However, you realize this would diminish the reading experience, potentially turning off readers who value an ad-free site. You decide not to add ads, focusing on building a strong reader base instead so you can direct them to paid offerings you have.
  • You run a paid course and often get requests for personalized support outside the course's scope. To protect your time, you set clear boundaries, offering such support only as an upsell. This way, you reserve your main efforts for paid interactions, avoiding burnout.